Vegan for a day

I wanted to show you guys how I eat vegan throughout the day. This was fun, and I'm looking forward to doing it again. Please know the context of this day: this was a Saturday and I laid around without doing much, so I wasn't super focused on being energized. This wouldn't sustain me on a day where I work and exercise. So here's what this lazy vegan ate today:

Breakfast: 20 oz coffee with raw sugar and coconut milk creamer  strawberries  poppyseed bagel with Natural Balance dairy-free butter

Snacks: store-bought tortilla chips and salsa. No, I'm not granola enough to be making those from scratch just yet.  smoothie made from the following: one banana, one avocado, orange juice, strawberries, 1/4 unpeeled cucumber, chia seeds, lots of spinach, fresh lime and ice. 

Dinner: lentil cous cous salad with spinach, basil, oil and vinegar, garlic, lemon juice, red bell pepper and edamame. 

Vegan sin: sugar-free Redbull • gum drops. I included this because I didn't want to lie...I wanted this to legitimately show what I consume. I am not perfect. I still consume aspartame and refined sugar from time to time. Maybe one day, that will be completely removed from my diet. 

A lot of times when I tell people I eat vegan, they give unsolicited input and say, "Yeah, I don't think I could do that." 

I won't go into all the reasons a vegan diet, or even a diet with less meat and dairy, is a good choice. But I want to show that it's possible. I really need to get off this candy. Anyway. Hope you enjoyed. 
