
Showing posts from August, 2015

Fear sloughs off

I am encountering some more shifts and changes in life that feel relevant to this blog so blog again I shall. I have enrolled in college again, and I start next week. It happened quickly in that I decided to enroll yesterday, and yet I've been working on this decision for a few years. Throughout being treated for thyroid cancer I became increasingly frustrated with how it interfered with school, and I eventually talked myself out of college altogether. I became disillusioned with the whole system, the incredible debt I would amass, and I also got scared as most 21 year olds do. I've been out of college the last two years and looking back, I've just been rebuilding my life and getting a foothold again after this metastatic disease knocked me down. I've shared openly on here the trauma and sadness I faced after the surgeries and treatment I had. The blues mostly came after it was all over. 2013, a year where I had no treatment at all, was a very hard time. Then my yoga