Each fallen robin

I'm thinking of my friend Matt a lot tonight. I heard a very tragic song tonight and it brought up a lot for me. Apparently Chelsea Hotel No. 2 by Leonard Cohen is a well known song about Janis Joplin. I adore Janis and a poster of her hangs on my bedroom wall. 

I guess I'm still coming to terms with the fact that good things end too soon? My experience with cancer (that's the name of the blog, right?) has changed me. I think it's brought closer to the surface the darkness we all have inside of us. I heard a different song today (Innocent Son by Fleet Foxes) and it reminded me of the two months after my second surgery where I stayed up until 2am most nights listening to music and online shopping. Darkness. The quiet moments no one sees. I was going back through older blog posts and I was shocked to see this picture. I've just had a really emotional reaction to this tonight. I can't fathom that that's how I looked. It must be someone else.

This was 10 days post-op.

Anyway, Leonard says some things of Janis that I completely identify with:

"I don't mean to suggest that I loved you the best,
I can't keep track of each fallen robin.
I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel,
that's all, I don't even think of you that often."

I can't re-state that or tell you why I relate and put it in different words. I tried to, but it didn't work and I erased it. It's perfect as is.

We miss you, Matt.


  1. Your photo hurts to look at but your words bring me such quiet comfort. You have exquisite taste in music.

  2. What did u use to treat your scar? Please I had mine done 3 weeks Ago

  3. What did u use to treat your scar? Please I had mine done 3 weeks Ago


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