The vegan thing

"I'm doing the vegan thing," is what I tell people. I guess it's a way to distance myself from the new lifestyle I'm actually embracing. Odd. My boyfriend started flirting with the vegan diet in December and within a few weeks had cut out animal products altogether. I cackled. I had big belly laughs. And then I made the same choice.

I'm probably not doing the vegan thing the "right away" or anything, but I can tell you that I feel better and it's feeling like it was a good choice. I gained 10 lbs since I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer because I gave my myself permission to do whatever the hell I wanted, and so I've ended up heavier and with more material possessions. Sigh.

There's information out there that observing a whole foods, plant-based diet gives you the best chance of not having cancer. Yeah, I know I'm a day late and a dollar short on that. But I'd love if I never have cancer again in my life.

I'm in no position to give advice on this way of eating at all. I'm very new to this. I started entertaining the idea in early February, and I was eating vegan by the end of February. It all started out as an experiment, ya know? The thought was, "Let's see how this goes. If I feel better, that's cool." And I do feel better. I've lost 10 lbs, and it's fun to see that happen externally. I've been eating so much more good food. I don't know what my insides look like, but I like to think that my guts looks super good. I don't do this thing perfectly and I am not the spokesperson for the vegan diet. Please don't judge. I'm doing my best and I'm enjoying myself. I look forward to when I can offer more on the subject. I'm learning more all the time.

I called Kaiser today and asked about seeing a nutritionist. I was connected to a dietician who asked about what I was looking for. She said I could either have a one-on-one consultation with a dietician, which costs money, or attend a free 90 minute class. I chose to schedule a one-on-one consultation. The woman I was speaking to said she's vegetarian and mostly vegan. She asked what I was looking for and I said I've had cancer, and so this is how I'm eating now. I said I'm looking for someone who's supportive of that way of eating. She said she's had thyroid cancer too. So I have an appointment in two weeks with a dietician who's had thyroid cancer and eats vegan. This is when I know God is showing off.

I read back over the blog tonight and at some points lately, it's seemed like I'm totally discouraged and skeptical that life can be good again. And I chalk that up to the fact that I've never experienced putting cancer behind me. It was hard to learn that I had it; that was a whole new thing of starting to experience having cancer. Living through cancer was tough and there were many firsts. And now here I am, I've never been almost cancer-free before. I've never gotten over cancer before. I've never put cancer behind me and moved on with my life. And I can't imagine doing that. So there's a lot of thoughts on that.

Anyway, stay tuned on the vegan stuff. What I was mostly inspired by was the documentary Forks Over Knives, which actually never even uses the word "vegan." I'm enjoying this journey and I look forward to eating good stuff every day. I thought it would feel like I'm being deprived, but I don't feel that way. I couldn't live that way. Interestingly enough, my palette is changing. I don't like my coffee as sweet as I used to. There's hope for me yet!


  1. Sorry for off-top, but does your thyroid cancer has something to do with radioactive particle fallout after Japanese nuclear crisis?? According to the recent news the levels of I-131 contamination on the West coast were much higher that was expected before.
    Have you ever thought about this connection?
    Best wishes!

  2. From what my doctor tells me, the malignant tumor on my thyroid had been growing for three to four years, since 2008 or 2009, based on what she saw. The Japanese nuclear crisis was in 2011, so I don't think there's a connection. That's a good question, though. I like looking at the big picture. It's hard to know I have a physical ailment with no known cause.

  3. I am a papillary cancer survivor since 2015. I am looking into going Vegan but don't know how to start. Can you provide guidance, where to start, what to read, what to buy? I am clueless. Regards, Damaris from Florida

    1. hi damaris! i have been vegan four and a half years now and loving it! instagram and pinterest are huge sources of inspiration for me, in terms of nutrition and recipes. i have an instagram dedicated to eating vegan, its @myveganfriendcait . for books, the china study is a good one, and eating animals. there are so many cookbooks out there! vegan for everyone, color me vegan, isa does it, veganomicon, the list goes on....give it a try and be patient with yourself. if you don't love mock meat and vegan cheese right away, that's ok! everyone's veganism looks a little different. find what works for you. best of luck! my instagram can be a big source of help!


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