This week

I'm due to have labs done on Thursday. I should know at that point if I need to have the radioactive iodine again. I'm really hoping I don't have to do it again, and there are so many reasons for that. Firstly, I really don't want to take three or four weeks off from my job. I especially don't want to take a break because I'm in the new position. Also, as of today I still haven't received any disability payments from my surgery in September. Today marks 12 weeks ago that I filed my disability claim. Like literally right now I'm steaming at the ears thinking about my finances are screwed and I don't think I can bear another lapse in work. And also, being sick hurts and I'm done hurting.

A word about the disability stuff--it's impossible to even try to speak to someone about the issue because no matter what day of the week or time of day that I call EDD, I get a message that the maximum number of callers has already been reached that day. The phone lines open at 8AM. I work in the morning, so it's hard. I've called at 8:15AM before and gotten the message that I wouldn't be able to get through. So I'm working on it. Please don't try to give me any advice....I know a lot of my loved ones are thinking it right now : )

I went to yoga tonight for the first time since before my surgery. I knew it would be tough because of the nerve damage in my shoulder, and I think that trepidation kept me away for awhile. It was okay. I went to yoga during the summer, after my first surgery, and it was okay. My only limitations were moving my neck. I did pretty well. Tonight was a little tough. I can't move my left arm in a multitude of ways, so I kind of just sat there. It was hard feeling separated from the group. I didn't really feel judged, but I felt different. Whatever. I'm a little used to it from last time. I know to just modify when necessary or not even do a pose if it's going to hurt me. I want to be good at yoga and I love practicing balance, posture and flexibility. But I feel really far away from that. I feel really far away from a lot of things.

I'm excited for Christmas. At least there's that. I'll post later in the week to update you all on what happens.
