Another lesson learned
Wait, am I not done learning lessons? Argh. So I thought I would find out last week if I have to have radioactive iodine again, but it turns out that I won't know until later this week. My test results are usually available the next morning, but apparently thyroglobulin doesn't come back so soon. I didn't ask my endocrinologist before the blood tests when I would know the results, so I made a wrong assumption. I've done that many times, and it's not any less disappointing this time versus in July when I assumed I would know other results. Friday morning I woke up to an email from Kaiser that I had test results ready, which I get every morning after I get blood tests. The only results available were for my TSH and free T4 unfortunately. I asked my endocrinologist and she said the test for thyroglobulin was sent to the University of Southern California and we'll have the results in a week or so. So that's a bummer. My TSH was 0.01. It baffles me that it could